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notes on Pee-Wee's Adventure

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1notes on Pee-Wee's Adventure Empty notes on Pee-Wee's Adventure Fri Apr 12, 2024 7:48 pm


- Pee-wee's Tour De France number is #0
- He gets his fortune out of a "Your Correct Weight" machine made by Watling Scale Co. "Don't leave the house today".
- Breakfast includes "New! Mr T cereal" made by Quaker Oats
- the theater near the bike shop etc is the Criterion, showing "Cartoon Cavalcade"
- Mario's Magic Shop, posters of Elvira, Robert Houdin, and Alexander, The Man Who Knows
- Chuck's Bike-O-Rama, next to Woolworths and The Wig Factory
- Police woman who takes his stolen bike report is Sgt Hunter
- Francis's bathtub sailboat is #1068
- Reward poster: $10,000 phone 354-8567
- radio station where he broadcasts his appeal is 109 AM radio, street address #136
- the bike thief wearing a shirt "Tigers"
- Madam Ruby's - Tarot Cards, Income Tax, Palms Read
- Madam Ruby sees a sign for AL & Moe's discount warehouse, "Bargain Basement Prices", before she sends him off to the basement of the Alamo
- Mickey's car license #GSR236
- Large Marge, 5 DEC 1937, 11 JAN 1974
- 11 JAN 1974 owould be the date of "a night just like tonight"
- Simone's bus to NY on her way to Paris is bus #105
- Pee-Wee is intoduced as bullrider #9, Lloyd Fletcher
- the biker bar (where he dances to Tequila) is the Apache Bar
- Twisted Sister's car #371EEX
- the one car at the driv-in with a readable plate is #OBN843

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