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Pictures 2020

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1Pictures 2020 Empty Pictures 2020 Mon Jan 20, 2020 7:35 am



This is where the pictures for 2020 will go.

2Pictures 2020 Empty Re: Pictures 2020 Sat Oct 24, 2020 5:54 pm

Mary E

Mary E

Ok folks, I'll put out an email with all the answers we have as of noon today.

#4 Brian's Song Piano Solo Sheet Music, from the movie starring James Caan
#5 album The Button-Down Mind of Bob Newhart
#6 Allyce Beasley - Moonlighting
#7 General Mills Reese's Puffs Sweet & Crunchy Cereal (back of the box)
#8 Birch Benders Paleo Toaster Waffles
#9 album Tightly Knit by the Climax Blues Band
#10 print ad for Chesterfield Cigarettes
#12 actore Robert Elliott
#14 Private "Killer" Diller from Beetle Bailey comics
#16 album Fantastic Plastic by The Flamin' Groovies
#17 Green Bay Packers DB Bobby Dillon, franchise leader in interceptions
#18 HIPPEAS Organic Chickpea Snacks
#19 Hill Climb Racing 2, a racing game app on the Google Play Store
#21 Amelia Bedelia, her niece is Effie Lou

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