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Audio question #1

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1Audio question #1 Empty Audio question #1 Sat Apr 17, 2021 10:46 am


1. Working for the Weekend - Loverboy
2. Dazz - Brick
3. Jaded - Aerosmith
4. Walk - Foo Fighters
7. Diane - The Bachelors

2Audio question #1 Empty Re: Audio question #1 Sat Apr 17, 2021 11:29 am

Mary E

Mary E

1. working for the weekend
2 dazz
4 transcendence
6 Mexican hat dance - this software doesn't show an artist
7 diane
8 cosmic dreamer
These are from software called Music Finder

Now, from our old favorite Music ID
1 same
2 nuthin
3 same
4 steve modana feat.carlprit
5 ciribirbin Harry James and his orchestra He's the Guy
6 Mexican hat dance James Last Trumpet a Go-go
7 same
8 mama I'm coming home Ozzy Osbourne no more tears

3Audio question #1 Empty Re: Audio question #1 Sat Apr 17, 2021 11:44 am


Update list - we are 100% sure of these. Careful with the spelling on #5

1. Working for the Weekend - Loverboy
2. Dazz - Brick
3. Jaded - Aerosmith
4. Walk - Foo Fighters
5. Ciribiribin - Harry James
7. Diane - The Bachelors
8. Mama, I'm Coing Home - Ozzy Ozbourne

4Audio question #1 Empty Re: Audio question #1 Sat Apr 17, 2021 11:45 am

Mary E

Mary E

I have an answer for #6 above, and #4 with another answer.

5Audio question #1 Empty Re: Audio question #1 Sat Apr 17, 2021 12:02 pm


Final list, 100% on all, careful of %5 spelling

1. Working for the Weekend - Loverboy
2. Dazz - Brick
3. Jaded - Aerosmith
4. Walk - Foo Fighters
5. Ciribiribin - Harry James
6. Mexican Hat Dance - James Last
7. Diane - The Bachelors
8. Mama, I'm Coing Home - Ozzy Ozbourne

6Audio question #1 Empty Re: Audio question #1 Sat Apr 17, 2021 12:03 pm


That is

8. Mama, I'm Coming Home - Ozzy Ozbourne

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