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Picture List

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1Picture List Empty Picture List Fri Apr 16, 2021 4:38 pm

Mary E

Mary E

Ok, here's what I think we have so far (as of 4 pm on Friday, April 16 - from FB)

1 Budweiser "The Tastebuds"
2 Carly Rae Jepsen
3 Julia Michaels
4 Shania Twain
5 Madeline Kahn and Jerry Lewis
8 The Strokes
12 Tex Beneke
20 Liz Phair
21 Verna Bloom
23 Benazir Bhutto?
24 Jeff Donnell (actress)
25 Martha Raye?
27 Password board game
28 Nestle Coffeemate Seasonal Flavors

Alien Creature (no picture number) Ted Cassidy (Twilight Zone episode "To Serve Man")

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